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Glasgow wishes COP26 delegates “heart and courage” for the task ahead

susan aitken
susan aitken

Councillor Susan Aitken, the Leader of Glasgow City Council has welcomed delegates to Glasgow at the opening plenary session of COP 26.

Speaking to the conference as it gets underway she said:

“There have been delays and uncertainties on our collective journey here. But we are here now and humanity looks to you and the work you will do here over the next two weeks to fulfil the promise of a safer, sustainable, more equitable future for us all.”

And she invited world leaders to be inspired by Glaswegians:

“This is a city that has been through tough times. But we have survived and thrived against the odds through resilience, innovation, imagination, sense of community, humour and grit. 

“These are all qualities you will need in abundance in the days ahead.

“Like the rest of the world we’ll be watching – and judging. Our demands and expectations of you will be high. But we’ll also be cheering you on and wishing you all the heart and courage you need for the task ahead.”

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