Renowned for his unique hobbies, King Charles has always delighted his mother, the late Queen Elizabeth II, with his love for the great outdoors and remarkable fondness for mazes, according to Royal expert Jennie Bond. The King, who turned 75 this year, recently constructed a maze garden at his Royal Sandringham estate in Norfolk, a tribute to the intricate labyrinth he adored in his youth, with the aim of sharing this joy with the public.
Jennie Bond, a seasoned former BBC Royal correspondent, discussed the King’s new maze with OK! magazine, implying that the late Queen would have taken pleasure in witnessing her son still passionate about the same hobbies he cherished during his boyhood. She also mentioned that the King’s mazes will become an integral part of his legacy.
“I’m sure the late Queen would have found it charming that her son continues to enjoy one of his distinctive hobbies: navigating a maze. As a child, he would invest hours trying to complete the Sandringham maze. That maze was taken apart several years ago but now it has been resurrected…and it’s even more extraordinary,” Jennie stated during her interview.
The latest creation at Sandringham marks the third Royal maze in the last three centuries. In 2016, Charles created a maze at Dumfries House in Ayrshire, featuring a central Japanese-style pagoda, and another one in Balmoral in Aberdeenshire, designed to resemble Scotland’s national flower, the thistle, according to reports from the Mirror.
Bond also emphasized that Charles will derive immense joy from observing his grandchildren exploring these mazes during their childhood. Open to the public, these mazes also provide royal enthusiasts with a unique opportunity to experience them.
She further added, “The King has also conceptualized a maze in Balmoral, fashioned after a thistle, as well as one in Dumfries House. They will stand as a significant legacy for the King, and I believe he will derive immense pleasure from watching his grandchildren and indeed the public, attempting to find their way out. Given Charles’s appreciation for beauty in nature, it’s no surprise that the King’s mazes are extraordinarily elegant and beautiful.”
The Thistle Maze in Balmoral was unveiled in August, while the maze at Dumfries House has been accessible to visitors since 2016. The newly constructed maze at Sandringham Estate is also now open for public exploration and enjoyment.
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