Proposals to offer more free hours of early learning and childcare to families of 3 and 4 year olds who earn £30,000 or less have been agreed by elected members following a paper put forward by City convener for education Councillor Chris Cunningham at today’s (Thursday 22 March) City Administration Committee.
This means that parents and carers who have an income of £30,000 or less and who already access their statutory 600 free hours of childcare will now be offered 900 free hours in council run nurseries and early learning centres.
Councillor Chris Cunningham, City Convener for Education, Skills & Early Years said: “The decision today is good news for Glasgow’s working families who use our nurseries for early learning and childcare.
“Glasgow early years provision is amongst the highest quality in the country and we are continuing to make it as accessible and flexible as possible to meet the changing demands of Glasgow’s families.
“We currently offer 3 and 4 year olds 800 free hours to families who earn £25,000 or less which is 200 hours more than the national entitlement. We will now increase this to 900 hours and raise the threshold to families earning £30,000 or less.
To access the full report: