In every contemporary household, a variety of electrical devices can be found, many of which continue to consume energy even when not in active use.
The ongoing crisis concerning the high cost of living has made Glaswegians and other Scots considerably more cautious about their expenses. This is particularly noticeable with gas and electricity consumption, which remain costly despite recent reductions in the Ofcom price cap.
Establishing efficient habits is key for anyone seeking to save money, and one crucial tip is to regularly monitor appliances, turning them off at the source when not in use. This advice comes from an energy specialist who has identified the top ‘energy-draining’ appliances that should always be switched off when not needed, as reported by Express.
Certain essentials, like fridges and routers, should always be kept on, but switching off others could result in substantial savings. Ian Palmer-Smith, an appliance specialist at Domestic & General, has warned that leaving things plugged in can significantly inflate your energy bills, a situation that is particularly unwelcome in the current economic climate.
He explained that many people believe simply turning off devices is enough, but several electrical items, often referred to as ‘vampire devices,’ continue to use power even when plugged in.

(Image: Getty Images)
According to Palmer-Smith, the most common ‘vampire devices’ found in households include washing machines, dishwashers, tumble dryers, TVs, and microwaves. Additionally, computer monitors, printers, and coffee machines are also classified as such energy-draining appliances. But why is this so?
Palmer-Smith stated, “Appliances that heat water use a large amount of energy – this is why dishwashers, washing machines, and kettles are high on the list of energy-consuming devices.
“They require more energy in standby mode as they need to be ready to heat water instantly, on demand.”
To reduce your energy bills, you should unplug these devices entirely or switch them off at the wall, as leaving them on standby still results in electricity usage.
He added: “Any appliance that remains switched on or stays plugged into a live socket continues to use electricity.
“Even in sleep or standby modes, some devices continue to use energy for updates, remote server connections, and data recording. The only fail-safe way to prevent any energy usage is to switch it off at the plug – or unplug the device entirely.”
That said, certain high-energy appliances should never be switched off under any circumstances.
Ian cautioned, “While fridge freezers account for approximately 12 percent of a household energy bill, you should not turn off or unplug this device before a holiday as this can cause the fridge to defrost and potentially result in unpleasant odours in your kitchen.”
Industry professionals at Ovo Energy concur that switching off appliances at the wall when not in use is the most effective way to prevent them from using vampire power.
They state: “Unconnected chargers in plugs will consume minimal power. If nothing is connected to a plug socket, electricity won’t be used even if the socket is switched on.”
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