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Glasgow welcomes its first ever Open Government Action Plan

Glasgow News
Glasgow News

The development and co-creation of Glasgow’s first Open Government Action Plan (OGAP) was approved by members of the City Administration Committee today (16 September 2021).

Glasgow’s Open Government Action Plan has been developed following the council’s membership to the Open Government Partnership in October last year.

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is an international initiative which promotes government bodies being more open and transparent to the people and organisations they serve.

 As a member of the OGP, Glasgow is required to produce and submit an Action Plan, developed through a multi-stakeholder process and co-created with the active engagement of non-governmental stakeholders, Third Sector organisations and citizens.

This involved bringing together key city partners including Glasgow Chamber of Commerce, Glasgow Community Planning Partnership, Third Sector Interface Network, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Police Scotland.

Workshop sessions were held with representation from the third sector, communities and local government to help identify the areas the action plan will focus on.

The co-creation process identified four key areas for development within Glasgow’s Open Government Action Plan:

1.           Increase Participatory Budgeting through establishing local Citizens Panels

2.           Explore increased citizen participation through use of Digital Engagement

3.           Co-creating an Open Data Hub to make information about what we do easier to access and decisions we make more clear

4.           Increase Open Government awareness and progress through use of social media, websites and direct communication with citizens

Councillor Greg Hepburn, Council Business Manager and City Convener for Democratic Renewal, said: “Glasgow is a characterful, opinion rich city with citizens who we know want to have an increased role in our local decision-making process.

“The action plan approved today sets out how we intend to scale up these efforts in partnership with local people and incorporate lessons learned from other Partnership members.

“The Open Government Partnership recognises those local and national governments who value openness, transparency, accountability and participation.

“We are delighted to be at the stage where we can begin to implement the commitments outlined in our city’s first ever Open Government Action Plan and fully embrace membership of the Partnership.

“Glasgow is recognised internationally for the improvements being made in the city and the expertise and support provided through the Open Government Partnership will help us deliver an innovative and impactful change in Glaswegian democracy.”

Glasgow’s Open Government Action Plan commits to improving citizen involvement in democratic decision making; accelerate citizen led redesign; improve access to services using technology and improve the quality and responsiveness of local place-based decisions and services.

Following approval by the City Administration Committee, Glasgow’s Open Government Action Plan will be submitted to the Open Government Partnership.

Glasgow Open Government Action Plan is available here

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