The Scottish National Party (SNP) has requested a personal statement in the Scottish Parliament from Douglas Ross regarding his expenses.

The party insists that Ross, the leader of the Scottish Tories, must respond to queries about disbursements claims submitted during his highly paid tenure as a football referee, findings that were allegedly kept quiet by distressed staff members.

Reports indicated that Ross’s staff identified 28 questionable expenses claims submitted to Westminster following an enquiry about potential breach of rules.

Ross charged taxpayers for three flights between London and Glasgow and Edinburgh while fulfilling his position as a Scottish Football Association linesman.

Expense overseers were misled to believe he was merely returning to his constituency in Moray. All of these were mistakenly classified as “London-constituency” with the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA).

Stewart Hosie, the SNP’s campaign director, demanded, “Douglas Ross must immediately address the Scottish Parliament regarding his expenses and provide satisfactory answers to these troubling claims.”

“The mere fact that Mr Ross has three positions and bypassed one of his peers to gain his seat provokes enough concerns, but now there are serious interrogations about taxpayers’ money. Douglas Ross must be held accountable if he used public funds to cover expenditures for his third assignment as a linesman.”

“Disturbingly, several members of his own party believe he should step down. On the 4th of July, the people of Scotland can use their SNP vote to send Douglas Ross packing, dismantling the Tory government, and putting Scotland’s interests first,” Hosie concluded.

The expose came only days after Ross announced his plans to succeed a hospitalised Conservative candidate blocked from standing in the general election. The former Banff and Buchan MP, David Duguid, was debarred as the party’s candidate for Aberdeenshire North and Moray East on a Wednesday night.

Shortly following this action, Ross announced his intentions to replace Duguid in the constituency, despite earlier assertions of his focus on Holyrood.

Duguid, currently recovering from a spinal injury, has scoffed at claims from the Tories suggesting he is “too unwell” to stand.

The Record uncovered that Ross is now facing resistance from key Scottish Tory figures regarding his unexpected change of plan and Duguid’s removal.

Several Tory Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) challenged his decision during an internal meeting one Thursday morning.

A source within the party also predicted a vote of no confidence for Ross following the general election.

John Swinney, the leader of the SNP and Scotland’s First Minister, stated that Ross’s action considerably weakens his position as the Scottish Tory leader.

Swinney noted in Paisley that Ross has significantly dented his credibility. “He repeatedly expressed his aspirations to lead the Scottish Conservative Party and eventually serve as the Scotland’s First Minister.”

But his sudden decision to return to the House of Commons simply demonstrates his self-serving intentions in his decision-making.”

Swinney refrained from demanding Ross’s resignation outright, suggesting instead that it was up to Ross to take the next steps.

He added, “I speak to many Conservatives, some of whom I consider personal friends.”

“Though this matter hasn’t been discussed with them, I am certain that they are feeling uncomfortable.”

Ross clarified, “I have only ever lodged expenses associated with my role as a Member of Parliament, including the costs of commuting to and from Westminster. While these have been authorized by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority (IPSA), I would welcome further examination.”

Meanwhile, ousted MP Duguid will lose out on an almost £15,000 redundancy package due to his removal by the Conservatives. The MP will not be eligible for a loss of office payment, which is around £14,700, as he will not stand for election again.

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