A Westminster contender, known for advocating women’s safety, has raised eyebrows due to his association with a convicted domestic offender during a panel discussion.

Neale Hanvey, representative of Alex Salmond’s Alba party, was seen sharing a stage with John Watt at a recent gathering.

Many have termed his action hypocritical, given his supposed commitment to women’s rights and safety, as Watt has a history of severe domestic abuse.

Watt, 39, hailing from Thornliebank near Glasgow, is a former ‘naked butler’ who was convicted in 2018 for violent assaults on two of his ex-girlfriends after years of abuse.

As a result of the conviction, he was sentenced to perform 300 hours of community service. Since then, Watt has turned into an anti-Covid vaccine campaigner, founded the Scottish Vaccine Injury Group, and hosts his own podcast.

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John Watt was convicted of assaulting two former partners
(Image: Iain McLellan/Spindrift Photo Agency)

Hanvey, the former MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath, partook in an event organised by Watt at the Classic Grand in Glasgow on June 2.

Additionally, he was a guest on Watt’s podcast in February where he expressed his views on the Covid vaccine.

His association with a known offender has sparked criticism, with many accusing him of hypocrisy.

Dr Marsha Scott, boss of Scottish Women’s Aid, commented on the matter: “Living in a society where domestic abuse is widespread, we expect our public leaders to support organisations and individuals advocating for better strategies to support women and children affected by domestic abuse. It’s equally important that they avoid empowering those who become part of the issue.”

A spokesperson from the Alba party clarified that Hanvey was not aware of Watt’s violent past before he agreed to participate in his show.

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